martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

BonfireNight = Guy Fawkes Night

Remember Remember the Fifth of November...
"Penny for the guy, mister?"
The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 - A secret plan to overthrow the king.

In November 1605, the infamous Gunpowder Plot took place in which some Catholics plotted to blow up the English Parliament and King James l, on the day set for the king to open Parliament. The men were angry because the king had treated them badly and they didn't like it.

The story is remembered each 5th November when 'Guys' are burned in a celebration known as "Bonfire Night".

On the night of November 5th, throughout Britain, we commemorate the capture of Guy Fawkes with bonfires and fireworks, and by burning an effigy of Guy, (Guido Fawkes).

The Plot was foiled in the night between the 4th and 5th of November 1605. Already on the 5th, agitated Londoners who knew that their King had been saved, joyfully lit bonfires in thanksgiving. As years progressed, however, the ritual became more elaborate.

Preparations for Bonfire Night celebrations include making a dummy of Guy Fawkes, which is called "the Guy" and which is later burnt on the bonfire.
Some children even keep up an old tradition of walking in the streets, carrying "the Guy" they have just made, and beg for money on the streets.  The children usually exhibit the "guy" or dummy that will be put on the fire. "Penny for the guy, mister?" is a common refrain at this time of year. Then the kids use the money to buy fireworks for the evening festivities.

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