viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

The history of Cinema


The cinema is the technique and art of projecting frames in rapid succession to create the impression of movement, showing a video.

As a way of telling stories or events, it is called the seventh art.


Cinema history began on December 28, 1895, when the brothers Lumière publicly projected the exit of workers from a French factory in Lyon, the demolition of a wall and the arrival of a train and a ship leaving a port.

In one year, the Lumière brothers created more than 500 films, marked by the absence of actors and natural scenery, brevity, lack of assembly and fixed camera position. However, it was George Méliès invented the cinema show, in contrast to the documentary tone Lumière. Decorated with fantastic stories and developed new film techniques, especially with Trip to the Moon (1902) and Journey through the impossible (1904), applying theatrical technique for the camera and creating the first special effects and science filmed fiction.

Thereafter, the film did nothing but improve and emerged great directors like Murnau, Erich von Stroheim and Charles Chaplin.

Chaplin "The Kid"

Freres- Lumiere

US adventure films were made, such as Douglas Fairbanks and romantic dramas like Valentino.

Post sent by Helen V. readfern, in 4º ESO. Thanks

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